Recommendations by Sustainable Development Goal #8
Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.
Filtered by :
In the brain storming process, are all stakeholders taken into account in their entire (human) dimension ?
Is the planet taken into account in the brain storming process, in order to integrate the ecological dimension (planet centric design) ?
Are the extra-financial added value of sustainble digital technology valued in the business model ?
Project Resources
Is a sustainable IT process planned at the level of project governance ?
Project Resources
Are Sustainable IT improvements identified and systematically planned ?
Project Resources
For the Sustainable IT aspects, do the project managers (project manager, product owner, etc.) have the same prerogatives as the business aspects ?
Project Resources
Is the deliverables's output (documentary production included) used upstream of the project and is it produced to allow it to be reused in subsequent projects ?
Project Resources
Is a budget on the 3Ps axes associated and monitored during the project ?
Is a policy for compatibility with obsolete terminals and software versions established ?
Are the obstacles to the use of digital technology (accessibility, technical, territorial) taken into account ?
What solutions have been deployed to fight against electronicism and simplify uses and services ?
Are the technological, social, physical and temporal criteria that allow your users to reach their aim and limit the digital gap taken into account ?
Does the service work with weak connections ?
Are the assistance service access mechanisms available and suitable for all audiences ?
Has a human fall-back been prepared to backup the service's utilization ?
In the definition of personae, have the target versions of devices, OS and browsers been taken into account ?
development standards
What would be my dev reflex, to take into account the life cycle ?
development standards
Does each internal stakeholder have the latitude to make decisions that may influence the environmental footprint ?
development standards
Are Responsible Digital aspects propagated and maintained across all stakeholders ?
development standards
Is the target audience of the service determined with respect to their ability to use the service ?
Systems (software)
Is the size of the physical park in line with the number of virtual machines to be run ?
Are servers / routers turned off when not in use ?
Systems (software)
Is the allocated memory based on actual use ?
Systems (software)
Is the number of CPU cores allocated based on actual use ?
Systems (software)
Is the technical choice (shared, dedicated, clustered) optimised between the actual need and energy efficiency ?
Systems (software)
Are unused cores disabled ?
Systems (software)
Is the backup system incremental (disk optimization) ?
Systems (software)
Is the use of containers over virtual machines preferred ?
Systems (software)
Are Open Source solutions implemented when available ?
Equipment (hardware)
Is high availability designed in a modular fashion ?
Equipment (hardware)
Is provisioning / deprovisionning dynamic depending on the load ?
Equipment (hardware)
Do storage solutions reduce the number of components (for example: high density SSD media) ?
Are carbon / water efficiency measurements available ?
Does the hosting company apply a CSR / RGAA policy ?
Does the company provide reliable guarantees in terms of GDPR ?
Are the hosting company's advantages presented when advancing Sustainable IT ?
Is all data subject to regulation (health, banking) secured on a server with a compatible level of security ?
Is the hosting provider approved ?
Does the supplier adhere to a standard / label ?