Recommendation : 2. Unite teams and target audience
What would be my dev reflex, to take into account the life cycle ?
development standards
B People
B Planet
B Prosperity
What procedures are available to address the lifecycle?
Consideration of the cycle must be integrated into the development phases. Developers are the main players who, through their choices, their practices will condition future results. Taking the life cycle into account in development is essential. It would be more expensive, riskier and less efficient to deal with downstream lifecycle aspects.
Additional elements
Rule for assessing the level of compliance of the criterion
0 / 0
Life cycle
3 other criteria related to the recommendation: Unite teams and target audience
development standards
Does each internal stakeholder have the latitude to make decisions that may influence the environmental footprint ?
development standards
Are Responsible Digital aspects propagated and maintained across all stakeholders ?
development standards
Is the target audience of the service determined with respect to their ability to use the service ?