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Handbook of Sustainable Design of Digital Services


8 Families |  45 Essential criteria / 516

Opt for the must-have sustainable design best practices with the list on the right.


1. Define and validate the needs and challenges of the project in order to anticipate the impacts

Thématique : Project framing

Is the business need expressed ?


1. Define and validate the needs and challenges of the project in order to anticipate the impacts

Thématique : Emergence

Does digital service goals subscribe to one of SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) ?


2. Plan, prepare and validate the availability of Human Resources in Sustianable IT

Thématique : Emergence

Are internal and external stakeholders aware of, or even trained / certified in Sustainable IT ?


3. Determine and plan the capacity to monitor and capitalize on the Digital components Project manager

Thématique : Emergence

Is sustainable IT compliance exposed to users ?


5. Act to reduce the impact of ICT by building urbanized IS targets and plans (*NEW)

Thématique : Urbanisation

Have you built an IS target by seeking consistency and pooling ?


6. Take action to reduce the impact of the IS by optimizing IT assets and mutualization (*NEW)

Thématique : Urbanisation

Have you defined and implemented within the DSI an IS debt and obsolescence management system ?


1. Organize so that human resources would take into account the Sustainable IT approach in a project

Thématique : project Team

Have the Sustainable IT challenges of the project been communicated to the team from the start ?


1. Organize so that human resources would take into account the Sustainable IT approach in a project

Thématique : project Team

Does each group of the Project team have Sustainable IT skills ?


3. Organize the project methodology to carry out a Sustainable IT approach

Thématique : project methodology

What proportion of the functionalities (User Story) have a Sustainable IT component ?


5. Prepare the monitoring of the project life cycle and performance indicators / Sustainable IT profit

Thématique : economic process

In the purchasing process (Call for tenders) are Sustainable IT commitment requirements asked of external service providers ?


5. Prepare the monitoring of the project life cycle and performance indicators / Sustainable IT profit

Thématique : Lifecycle Management

Do all specified data and procedures have end-of-life information ?


1. Incorporate Sustainable IT into the major objectives of the project

Thématique : Methodology

In the brain storming process, are all stakeholders taken into account in their entire (human) dimension ?


1. Incorporate Sustainable IT into the major objectives of the project

Thématique : Methodology

Is the planet taken into account in the brain storming process, in order to integrate the ecological dimension (planet centric design) ?


1. Incorporate Sustainable IT into the major objectives of the project

Thématique : Methodology

Are the extra-financial added value of sustainble digital technology valued in the business model ?


2. Raise awareness among internal and external stakeholders about Responsible Digital

Thématique : Project Resources

Are stakeholders informed about Sustainable IT ?


3. Make the digital service available and accessible to the greatest number of users

Thématique : Methodology

Is a policy for compatibility with obsolete terminals and software versions established ?


4. Enable people with disabilities to access and use the digital service effectively

Thématique : Methodology

From the design stage, does the service meet the current accessibility standards in (at a minimum) ?


5. "Less is More": Focus on essential features and simplify your interface

Thématique : UI

Is a visual soberness implemented so as to reduce energy resources use and the impact on the material deterioration of the visual, sound and tactile interface's components ?


5. "Less is More": Focus on essential features and simplify your interface

Thématique : Methodology

Are the features used by the user ?


8. Media engineering: reducing the digital service media as much as possible (images, animations, content, etc.)

Thématique : UI

Is a media management / use policy in place to reduce their impact, with criteria for media compression and formats ?


8. Media engineering: reducing the digital service media as much as possible (images, animations, content, etc.)

Thématique : UI

Are the number of fonts and the variants of fonts called (weight, characters used in the project) limited ?


10. Value: design an ethical Digital Service, in line with your values

Thématique : Methodology

Does the service avoid Dark Patterns ?


10. Value: design an ethical Digital Service, in line with your values

Thématique : Use

Are rules in terms of respect for the user in place ?


1. Apply an editorial approach for content

Thématique :

Do text formatting tags meet the need for prioritization of information, not presentation enhancements ?


2. Reduce the footprint of static content

Thématique : Pictures

Have the images been compressed upstream in a format suitable for viewing ?


3. Avoid active content, keep dynamic content under user control

Thématique : Videos

Can the information carried by the video be replaced by an alternative (computer graphics ...) ?


5. Ensure the link between content and uses

Thématique : Downloads

Are the documents to download compressed, optimized and accessible ?


3. Use environments and tools that limit impacts

Thématique : API

Are the functionalities covered by local actions (client side) privileged rather than API exchanges ?


4. Reduce the effects of obsolescence

Thématique : user experience

Is the backward compatibility range defined ?


5. Implement and develop functionalities to limit impacts

Thématique : development standards

Don't the functionalities of the service go beyond user needs ?


9. Implement technical solutions with the lowest impact

Thématique : UI

Is a clean version available for prints ?


10. Look for the implementation of sober behaviors

Thématique : UI

Are cartography objects, animations, videos presented in a static mode ?


2. Anticipate the operation of services

Thématique : Life cycle

Are the environments other than production (DEV, QA, ...) switched off or decommissioned outside the ranges of use (at night, outside the test periods) ?


7. Associate data, flows, applications and security to allow their identification and traceability

Thématique : Life cycle

Is each component deployed qualified from the point of view of its lifespan, and are the deprovisioning procedures systematically expressed ?


9. Define the Sustainable IT objectives of the project and their adequacy in the operational context

Thématique : Software design

Are all the technical equipment used by the service identified ?


1. Reduce the impact of data from its storage and access

Thématique : Data

Is the number of requests kept to a minimum (no looping) ?


2. Use the technical components that improve the sustainable IT aspects, security and performance

Thématique : Quality

Is the documentation of the functionality available to enable its reuse ?


3. Limit the volume of exchanges

Thématique : Flux

Is the data exchanged compressed before transmission ?


6. Set up a methodology that promotes the consideration of Sustainable IT aspects

Thématique : Life cycle

Is the envisioned functionality useful ?


1. Reduce the impact of hosting

Thématique : Location

Is the waste from the data center recovered or recycled ?


1. Reduce the impact of hosting

Thématique : Energy

Is PUE (Power Usage Effectivness) available ?


3. Adapt the use of technical equipment to needs

Thématique : Systems (software)

Is the size of the physical park in line with the number of virtual machines to be run ?


4. Monitor the impact of the host

Thématique : Energy

Are the servers and technical equipment certified ?


4. Monitor the impact of the host

Thématique : Systems (software)

Does the supplier display all of its indicators ?


4. Monitor the impact of the host

Thématique : Equipment (hardware)

Is the end-of-life equipment recycled or upcycled (sale / donation / recycling, etc.) ?