What proportion of the functionalities (User Story) have a Sustainable IT component ?
project methodology
B People
B Planet
B Prosperity
Is a Sustainable IT requirement justified rather than a Sustainable IT aspect in a more general requirement?
While implementing some features impacts may change a lot. unless crystal clear specifications, technical solution may be chosen from technical challenge or beaucause its easier to deploy rather than sustainbility point of view. In order to get in the right direction Sustainable IT concerns should be added in moste of User Story.
Use Case
Tags & labels are used to qualify US w/ sust. IT concerns in the backlog
Additional elements
Operational issues related to the project
Rule for assessing the level of compliance of the criterion
Number of US w/ Sust. IT addon / Number of US
Life cycle
8 other criteria related to the recommendation: Organize the project methodology to carry out a Sustainable IT approach
project methodology
Are the Sustainable IT review steps included in the methodology ?
project methodology
Do any functionalities (User Story) only concern the Sustainable IT aspects ?
project methodology
What is the frequency of review / validation of Sustainable IT elements, in a similar manner to "Security" reviews and validation ?
project methodology
Is each feature evaluated according to use cases ?
Is the use of continuous integration promoted ?
Do the continuous integration processes not generate gaps in the consideration of Sustainable IT aspects ?
Are non-functional requirements (User Story) dealt with in the same way for the ICT features Sustainable, security and accessibility ?
Is the inventory of the input data made available to be remployed in other projects ?