Recommendation : 4. Monitor the impact of the host
Does the supplier display all of its indicators ?
Systems (software)
B People
B Planet
B Prosperity
Which indicators are based on external data with reliable sources?
The level of Sustainable IT maturity of data centre operators varies greatly, but when Sustainable IT performance indicators are reported, this demonstrates advanced maturity. The communication of indicators, however, does not guarantee the relevance and reliability of these indicators, and that should also be explained.
Use Case
Hosting technical documentation tracks all indicators exposed
Additional elements
Operational issues related to the project
Rule for assessing the level of compliance of the criterion
Yes = 100 ; Partial = 50 ; No = 0 / 100
Life cycle
12 other criteria related to the recommendation: Monitor the impact of the host
Are the servers and technical equipment certified ?
Equipment (hardware)
Is the end-of-life equipment recycled or upcycled (sale / donation / recycling, etc.) ?
Does the electricity come from renewable energies ?
Does the datacenter provide reliable information in terms of energy consumption ?
Is the hosting company transparent about the carbon impact of the infrastructure and its usage for its customers ?
Are the suppliers selected on the basis of their ability to communicate the differentiating indicators ?
Are the legal structure, its subsidiaries and its parent company respectful of regulations and ethics ?
Equipment (hardware)
Is non-critical equipment obtained from reconditioning ?
Equipment (hardware)
Is the equipment repaired rather than replaced ?
Equipment (hardware)
Are servers and routers renewed when technologies allow better energy efficiency ?
Equipment (hardware)
Does the construction / sheath / insulation materials used allow for better energy efficiency. Does the building meet HQE, rt2012 or equivalent standards ?
Equipment (hardware)
What is the impact of data center cooling on the environment ?