Recommendation : 6. Enabling users to reduce their impacts
Is the dematerialization of the service complete, and if the production of paper documents is essential, is it designed to limit its impact to the lowest possible ?
B People
A Planet
B Prosperity
Are the screens affected by printing identified and their usefulness demonstrated?
The flows of dematerialization are sometimes broken, and require written documents output. The user, in some cases, may also be more comfortable using printed documents rather than 100% electronic. Printings have a significant environmental footprint, whether in paper consumption, consumables such as cartridges and printing inks. The printed presentation, or electronic presentation are different, on the other hand the limitation of the environmental footprint must lead to a diminution in the volume of printed information
Use Case
Print test are run to check ink, papers consumption and relevance of information printed
Additional elements
Operational issues related to the project
Rule for assessing the level of compliance of the criterion
Formalisés = 100 ; prévus = 75 ; Identifiés = 50 ; Non = 0 / 100
Life cycle
6 other criteria related to the recommendation: Enabling users to reduce their impacts
Does the service's use make it possible to consider software or hardware configurations that have less impact on the environment ?
Does the user experience take into account possible changes to the service (adding / removing features) ?
Are all the components of the interface the subject of special attention in terms of Sustainable IT impact, while respecting accessibility rules ?
Are solutions without a "graphical" interface forseen for certain functionalities, in order to offer alternatives to visual design in the interface ?
Is a Sustainable IT-oriented configuration space made available to the user, to limit the number of presentation elements as much as possible ?
Is the user able to manage activation and use of third party solutions ?