Recommendation : 6. Enabling users to reduce their impacts
Are all the components of the interface the subject of special attention in terms of Sustainable IT impact, while respecting accessibility rules ?
A People
A Planet
B Prosperity
Is a suitable visual theme (dark / light) proposed to the user, in a simple, quick and modifiable way (automatically or manually), according to the different terminals? A "Low" theme, refined in terms of interface elements (visuals, animations, videos, touch, etc.) is it explained and offered to the user from his first use and can he easily modify this option? any time ?
The simpler the visual theme, the more efficient it will be in resources consumed to display it. The more components the service implements (load on servers, networks and devices), the greater the impact of the number of concurrent users. The technical solution is often to oversize the production environments to ensure better fluidity on service. leaving the choice to users of service's presentation that uses less energy will help reduce the environmental footprint (network congestion and over-sizing of infrastructures). With the increase of users number, the service will become lighter, the overall scope will remain constant and / or controlled with precisely dimensioned technical means. In addition, this will have an educational role: the user will be able to become an actor in his own consumption and his environmental footprint.
Use Case
CHROME: Extension / lighthouse / accessibility
Website Carbon Contrast ratio Plugin Figma: Test contrast
Additional elements
Rule for assessing the level of compliance of the criterion
Life cycle
6 other criteria related to the recommendation: Enabling users to reduce their impacts
Does the service's use make it possible to consider software or hardware configurations that have less impact on the environment ?
Does the user experience take into account possible changes to the service (adding / removing features) ?
Are solutions without a "graphical" interface forseen for certain functionalities, in order to offer alternatives to visual design in the interface ?
Is a Sustainable IT-oriented configuration space made available to the user, to limit the number of presentation elements as much as possible ?
Is the dematerialization of the service complete, and if the production of paper documents is essential, is it designed to limit its impact to the lowest possible ?
Is the user able to manage activation and use of third party solutions ?