Recommendation : 2. Raise awareness among internal and external stakeholders about Responsible Digital
In order to encourage users to be protagonist in reducing their impacts, do they have access to references that introduce Sustainable IT practices ?
B People
B Planet
B Prosperity
Are eco-tips and usage data accessible to the user while using the service?
User's posture remains one of the points over which the organization has no control. Despite all the expected benefits of a responsible design of digital services, user's practice can either multiply the positive effects or reduce them significantly. Communicating elements that make the user aware of these actions so that they can reduce their impact is essential.
multi-year accessibility plan + accessibility statement
Additional elements
Rule for assessing the level of compliance of the criterion
Life cycle
4 other criteria related to the recommendation: Raise awareness among internal and external stakeholders about Responsible Digital
Project Resources
Are stakeholders informed about Sustainable IT ?
Are the different phases of the project identified with their validation process, in order to get stakeholders to adhere to the iterative process ?
Have you set up an environmental footprint monitoring reporting system, resulting from the service's utilization and explotation by every user ?
What data is available for communication involving compliance with Sustainable IT standards and recommendations on the service ?