Recommendation : 7. Associate data, flows, applications and security to allow their identification and traceability
Are the security, accessibility, and Responsible Digital aspects treated in the same way for each element of the architecture ?
Software design
B People
B Planet
A Prosperity
Do the architectural processes and frameworks systematically integrate security, accessibility and Responsible Digital aspects?
Organizations are structured so that the architecture phase integrates security aspects very early on in the process. Security must be addressed for all elements of the architecture. As security is not the only area that applies across the board, it must be combined with the other subjects: accessibility and sustainable IT. Each element of the architecture must be treated with the same excellence for security, accessibility and Sustainable IT.
Additional elements
Rule for assessing the level of compliance of the criterion
0 / 0
Life cycle
4 other criteria related to the recommendation: Associate data, flows, applications and security to allow their identification and traceability
Life cycle
Is each component deployed qualified from the point of view of its lifespan, and are the deprovisioning procedures systematically expressed ?
Software Design Sustainable IT
Has data frugality been incorporated ?
Software Design Sustainable IT
Does the application minimize the data to be exchanged with other applications or users with the use of a flow matrix ?
Software design
Is the traceability of security requirements guaranteed ?