Recommendation : 6. Define a scalable production model
Is a cache in place between the different components of the IS to limit exchanges on the network, when the nature of the data allows it ?
Software design
B People
A Planet
B Prosperity
Is the label translation data cached locally?
The reduction of the volumes of exchanges, of operations of calculations, processing, and access to data is an axis of optimization of the consumption of resources. The implementation of caching systems reduces the costs of repetitive operations. Cache mechanisms can be deployed at different waypoints in a service. The closer the cache is to the requestor that it is to serve, the smaller the volume of data in transit and the length of the path taken by the data. The closer the cache is to the data source, the more it can be shared by a large number of users, but the data will still be exchanged, only the processing and collection operations will be reduced.
Use Case
Technical documenation mention cache strategy for each flow. Cache management tools are used to validate efficiency (CHROME: network enable-disable cache)
Additional elements
Operational issues related to the project
Rule for assessing the level of compliance of the criterion
Formalized = 100 ; Planned = 75 ; Identified = 50 ; Ignored = 0 / 100
Life cycle
4 other criteria related to the recommendation: Define a scalable production model
Software Design Sustainable IT
Is the architecture modular ?
Software Design Sustainable IT
Is the architecture granular and are the interfaces consistent to respect the independence of each entity ?
Software Design Sustainable IT
Is the capacity of my network to adapt over time the subject of a specific study ?
Purchase Sustainable IT
Does the choice of suppliers take into account Responsible Digital and CSR aspects in the same way as the solvency data ?