Recommendation : 4. Monitor the impact of the host
Is the equipment repaired rather than replaced ?
Equipment (hardware)
B People
A Planet
A Prosperity
Is the repair rate communicated?
The repairability of equipment, and the effective rate of repair is a criterion that makes it possible to reduce the environmental footprint of equipment over all of its lifespans.
Use Case
Hosting technical documentation tracks e-waste management process
8. Unless there is a breakdown, the computer equipment is not renewed for at least 5 years of use.
Additional elements
Operational issues related to the project
Rule for assessing the level of compliance of the criterion
Yes = 100 ; Partial = 50 ; No = 0 / 100
Life cycle
12 other criteria related to the recommendation: Monitor the impact of the host
Are the servers and technical equipment certified ?
Systems (software)
Does the supplier display all of its indicators ?
Equipment (hardware)
Is the end-of-life equipment recycled or upcycled (sale / donation / recycling, etc.) ?
Does the electricity come from renewable energies ?
Does the datacenter provide reliable information in terms of energy consumption ?
Is the hosting company transparent about the carbon impact of the infrastructure and its usage for its customers ?
Are the suppliers selected on the basis of their ability to communicate the differentiating indicators ?
Are the legal structure, its subsidiaries and its parent company respectful of regulations and ethics ?
Equipment (hardware)
Is non-critical equipment obtained from reconditioning ?
Equipment (hardware)
Are servers and routers renewed when technologies allow better energy efficiency ?
Equipment (hardware)
Does the construction / sheath / insulation materials used allow for better energy efficiency. Does the building meet HQE, rt2012 or equivalent standards ?
Equipment (hardware)
What is the impact of data center cooling on the environment ?