Recommendation : 3. Adapt the use of technical equipment to needs
Is the allocated memory based on actual use ?
Systems (software)
B People
B Planet
B Prosperity
What monitoring mechanisms are deployed?
The management of the consumption of physical resources involves data collection of the physical equipment and of all the virtual equipment it hosts. Recent virtualization techniques allow parameters to be changed without interruption to increase or decrease the resources (CPU / RAM) allocated to virtual machines, as needed, or even migrate virtual machines to less loaded physical servers.
Use Case
Technical documentation
Additional elements
Operational issues related to the project
Rule for assessing the level of compliance of the criterion
Formalized = 100 ; Planned = 75 ; Identified = 50 ; Ignored = 0 / 100
Life cycle
11 other criteria related to the recommendation: Adapt the use of technical equipment to needs
Systems (software)
Is the size of the physical park in line with the number of virtual machines to be run ?
Are servers / routers turned off when not in use ?
Systems (software)
Is the number of CPU cores allocated based on actual use ?
Systems (software)
Is the technical choice (shared, dedicated, clustered) optimised between the actual need and energy efficiency ?
Systems (software)
Are unused cores disabled ?
Systems (software)
Is the backup system incremental (disk optimization) ?
Systems (software)
Is the use of containers over virtual machines preferred ?
Systems (software)
Are Open Source solutions implemented when available ?
Equipment (hardware)
Is high availability designed in a modular fashion ?
Equipment (hardware)
Is provisioning / deprovisionning dynamic depending on the load ?
Equipment (hardware)
Do storage solutions reduce the number of components (for example: high density SSD media) ?